Privacy Terms


The site generally collects the personal information from the users to provide good experience while using the site.  The date is gathered by the resort site with the assistance of log files. The information’s is at times collected during the filling of forms, subscription and survey data. .Personal Information so collected is limited to your name, address and contact information during the fillings or from electronic gadgets used for the site. The site also promises to protect the privacy as best as they can and safety of the privacy of its users is of utmost importance to them. To ensure the safety of information, the necessary security systems are at place.

The Czerwomenaki Resort Site having the URL, like other sites uses cookies to analyze the users preferences It Maintains a record of specific data to give a customized experience. However the cookies  can be controlled by changing the settings of preferences in ones own system, and the same does not guarantee good quality browsing experience.

The information collected is kept to maintain our contact details to intimate the events happening at the resort from time to time. The information procured is secured and is not even allowed to be used by the third parties without your prior permission. The information obtained will never be utilized for our personal gain.

It is advised to not use or browse the resorts site, if the user is not willing to agree to the privacy policy provided in the Resorts Site.
